Academic Privatization,LLC


University of West Georgia

Phase I





Academic Privatization worked closely with the architects (Cooper Carry and Rosser International) and the university administration during the predevelopment stage to determine capital costs, operating costs, debt service and the relevant student fees necessary to fund various menus or combinations of desired amenities. For each of these mixes of amenities a specific student activity fee was calculated. Students voted on the amenities that they were willing to fund. From this financial exercise the scope of the recreation center was determined and presented to the Board of Regents for approval to issue tax-exempt bonds amortized solely from the student fees.

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Project Description

Location: University of West Georgia
Name: Campus Center
Developers: University of West Georgia (15,000 students)
Gross SQ. FT: 183,000 sq. ft.
Stories: 4
Completed August, 2005
Description A student recreation center and campus conference center were constructed on the foundation and equipment rooms of the old campus athletic complex.  The center point of the recreation center is the main exercise and weightlifting room (13,000sq.ft.) and the two aerobic exercise rooms (1,500 sq. ft. each).  A running track is located above the main exercise area and two basketball courts.  Opposite the atrium are the administrative offices.  Downstairs are the rock climbing wall and the billiard and game room.  One corner of the game room is used for viewing videos.  Several offices are devoted to club administration and are reserved by appointment. Also included is a 600  banquet seat ballroom.


�2005 Academic Privatization, LLC